Thursday, October 26, 2023 (8:30 AM - 4:00 PM)
This course will discuss different types of aerial work platforms commonly used in both construction
and general industry settings, the hazards associated with their use, and the MIOSHA Safety Standards
that help employers protect and train their workers who use them. Topics addressed include hazard
identification, fall protection, training and licensing, understanding employer/operator requirements,
and utilizing manufacturer resources.
X Recognize the major hazards associated with aerial work platforms.
X Apply the rules and regulations pertaining to aerial work platforms.
X Identify the criteria and components of aerial work platform training
Who Should come:
This seminar is a must for anyone concerned about health and safety on the job including:
Managers concerned about workers’ compensation costs.
Employees who want to learn proper techniques for protecting their safety and health at work.
Business owners who want to learn about compliance with Michigan Occupational Safety and
Health Administration (MIOSHA).
Cost $130 per person
Includes Warm Lunch and Course Materials
Additional Info
Home Builders Association of Saginaw - MI 3165 Cabaret Trail S Saginaw,
MI48603United States